House hunting / Caça ao apartamento

The Belmont at York apartments
De laatste vier dagen zijn we druk op zoek geweest naar een mooi apartement of huisje in de buurt van de Langley Air Force Base waar we het komende jaar gaan wonen. Er wonen hier in de regio erg veel militairen die vaak verhuizen, dus er is erg veel vraag en aanbod. We hebben de afgelopen dagen zeker 10-12 apartementen complexen bezocht, varierend van ouwe troep tot gloedje nieuw. Uiteraard met het bijbehorende prijskaartje. Onze short list tot op dit moment is:
Nos últimos quatro dias andámos à procura de apartamentos ou casas perto da NASA Langley. Aqui perto vivem muitos militares e portanto há bastante oferta. Por estes dias vimos entre 10 a 12 propriedades diferentes, velhas, tipo anos 70 e novas, acabadas em Outubro deste ano. Claro que cada uma com o seu preço a condizer. As nossas preferidas são:
1. The Belmont at York apartment
Erg luxe en lekker nieuw, maar wel wat aan de prijzige kant. Voor de website, zie hier.
Apartamentos de luxo, mas um tanto caros. Para verem o website, cliquem aqui.
2. Falcon Creek apartments
Ligt heel erg dicht bij de NASA basis, van deur tot deur is ongeveer 2 minuten lopen. Het is wel de duurste optie van de drie. Voor de website, zie hier.
Bastante perto da NASA, 2 minutos a pé. A opção mais cara de entre as três. Para verem o website, cliquem aqui.
3. Pines of York apartments
Dit is de goedkoopste optie, en het zijn ook duidelijk de oudste apartementen uit de lijst. Website is hier.
Esta é a opção mais barata e são também os apartamentos mais velhos da lista. O website é este.
Morgen gaan we beslissen, de uitslag volgt! Meestemmen mag in de comments

Amanhã vamos decidir entre as três. Depois dizemos! Podem votar na que mais gostam usando a barra de comentários aqui em baixo

Gostei da terceira.. mas não percebo bem quando dizeis que: é aopção mais barata e são tambem os apartamentos mais caros da lista???
Já consertei… Queria dizer que são os mais velhos!
Hello hello
Love to see that you’re both fine =)
About the houses…
(sorry, I’ve typed some wrong keys! ahahah)
Hello hello
Love to see that you’re both fine =)
About the houses… So, the first one is luxury… the second one I can’t see because the site has flash and it doesn’t work on my phone… and the third one is good but old… The photos never show the way that things really are, they all seem quite nice and well treated. Only you can say… but I think the choice would be: if the distance to work isn’t too much I would choose the third house, unless the ones available aren’t in “good shape” and, at this point, I would choose the first one; and left the expensive one as the last choice. So, numbers 3, 1 and 2.
But I know that you will choose well and please, show us some photos (not the ones that official sites show).
big big kisses
Hello to you too! Thanks for the advise on the houses, we are inclined to go for the older but less expensive apartment as well, so Rita can spend more money on shoes
We already made a few pictures of the apartments, we’ll post them soon. And who uses flash nowadays anyway 
Hello to both. I’m happy that finaly I can hear something from you. It seams that are very beasy now. I agree with Catarina. I think the most mportant is that yo like the house, what you see, and don’t forget that yo are not chousing th house
Hello to both. I’m happy that finaly I can hear something from you. It seams that are very beasy now. I agree with Catarina. I think the most important is that you like the house, and what you see. Don’t forget that yo are not chousing the house of your live, this will be for one year (at least for now) and if later you see that you will stay some more time, you have time to find another one. One important thing, in my opinion are the aspects related to electricity, whater and the confort of the house (is this in good conditions). Nevertheless, I think you’l feel well what ever will be the decision. A big kiss for both.
Hi Gina, thanks for the kiss. We are very busy now indeed! Social security number, bank accounts, a house, car, new telephone numbers etc. And thanks for the good advise on the house. Electricity and water is more or less the same for all apartments. We’ll let you know which apartment we’ll choose! Beijinhos!
En? Al gekozen? Goed dat jullie schoenen kopen zo hoog in t vaandel hebben
Ja, ons doel is naar 10 paar schoenen per maand. Enige nadeel is dat we hier in Yorktown onder de brug moeten gaan wonen,
Hi kids, mooie appartementen. voor onze begrippen redelijk luxe. Zwembad en gym. Het wordt steeds aantrekkelijker om te komen . Center Parcs is er niks bij :-);-) succes met kiezen. Neem vooral een waar je je goed bij voelt, vooral de centjes :-* Liefs mam